ACTR Goals
adopted by ACTR Board of Directors on November 13, 2021
1. Develop, support, and strengthen Russian language and culture instruction in the US;
2. Promote diversity, equity and inclusion with regard to teachers and students of Russian;
Offer opportunities for students of Russian at all levels to
demonstrate their language skills and expertise in national language
Provide a forum for members to exchange information, expertise, ideas,
resources and materials on the teaching of Russian as L2 and heritage
5. Offer professional development opportunities and resources for Russian language instructors;
6. Provide national recognition for outstanding students and teachers of Russian;
Support scholarship based on current theoretical and empirical research
in the areas of Russian language pedagogy, Russian language
linguistics, and second language acquisition;
Work with government, non-profit, educational, and professional
organizations in order to advance the study and teaching of Russian in
the U.S;
Offer examinations such as NEWL-Russian (formerly the Prototype AP
Russian Exam) as an ACTR-sponsored school-to-college articulation
program, endorsed by the College Board for credit by exam and advanced
Represent U.S teachers of Russian in the International Association of
Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRIAL) and other
international organizations.