On the contest date you select for your school, students are to meet ni an appropriate place to write their essays. Teachers are to be present during the contest to act as proctors.
Students may use their classroom textbooks for reference only. Advanced students with no regular classroom textbook may consult a dictionary for looking up occasional single vocabulary words. Students may not copy entire sentences or paragraphs from their textbooks. Class notes are not allowed.
Students may not work together or ask for or receive help from another person. Students and teachers will be asked to sign declarations certifying that the essays were written by the students without help of any other person.
The time limit for writing the essays is one two-hour session.
The essays must be written legibly on the paper provided in black or blue-black ink. Pencil is unacceptable.
The teacher must send the original essays within 48 hours of writing to Co-chair John Rook (email rookj at glastonburyus.org to obtain a mailing address). Besides sending the original copies of your students' essays, please include their signed declarations and an accurate accounting of the essays and any no-shows by marking up a hard copy of the registration sheet provided to you. If a registered student fails to participate in the contest, print NO SHOW on the entry form and draw a line through the student's name on the list of participants. Send only the bottom, signed declaration portions of the registration forms with your essays - do not staple the declarations to the essays.
Lastly, make copies or scan your students' essays for your records. It is imperative that you follow the above instructions and procedures so that your students' essays are received, read, and judged correctly and in a timely fashion. Originals will not be returned.