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  • Webinar: Guiding principles and practical strategies for teaching mixed classes

Webinar: Guiding principles and practical strategies for teaching mixed classes

  • 20 Apr 2017
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • online


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Following a brief overview of the research pertaining to mixed classes, this webinar will explore guiding princiles and practical strategies for responding to the needs of both HL and L2 learners, in particular, flexible grouping strategies, collaborative learning, and formative assessment. Besides teaching, this webinar will also discuss strategies for adapting materials for the mixed context.

About the presenter:
Maria Carreira is a professor of Spanish at California State University, Long Beach and co-director of the National Heritage Language Resource Center at UCLA. Her research focuses on U.S. Spanish and heritage language pedagogy. She is a co-author of five Spanish textbooks published by Cengage and a book about U.S. Latinos (Voces: Latino Students on Life in the United States, Praeger, 2014). Her most recent book publication is a co-edited book with Olga Kagan and Claire Chik on heritage language teaching around the world. With her colleagues at UCLA and with a grant from STARTALK, Professor Carreira is currently developing an online certificate on HL teaching.

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