Language educators around the world believe in the importance of intercultural competence (IC) to one’s overall linguistic proficiency. As policy documents and educational research emphasize the integration of language and culture goals in language programs, the reality of language classrooms often makes IC development take second place to teaching vocabulary and grammar. This webinar will address the disconnect between research and instructional practice by examining several models of IC and discussing related teaching and assessment issues. We will also consider practical suggestions for incorporating cross-cultural activities into the Russian as a foreign language curriculum.
Ekaterina (Katya) Nemtchinova is a professor in the Department of Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics at Seattle Pacific University, where she currently teaches linguistics courses and used to teach Russian language, literature, and culture. Her research interests include teacher education, particularly the issues of nonnative English-speaking professionals in TESOL, and technology in language teaching. She was named Professor of the Year at Seattle Pacific University in 2018. Her latest article on Developing Intercultural Competence in a Russian Language Class was published as part of the Art of Teaching Russian volume (2020, Georgetown UP). In addition to articles and book chapters, she published a Russian language textbook, Послушайте! (University Press of the South, 2011) and Teaching Listening (TESOL, 2013 and 2020).
The recording of the webinar will be sent to everyone registered. The webinar is free for all ACTR members ($15 for non-members). Live attendees will receive a certificate of participation, if requested.
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