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  • Remembering Cindy Martin

Remembering Cindy Martin

  • 12 Dec 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Zoom

Dear colleagues:

ACTR and AATSEEL write to you with the sad news of the death of a beloved colleague, mentor, and friend to many in our field. Dr. Cynthia “Cindy” Martin died unexpectedly in her home from complications of an injury on Tuesday, December 3. 

Cindy’s many decades of professional leadership, as a textbook author and professional development leader, have left an indelible mark. Many of us received OPI training from her, and her conference presentations and webinars on using theACTFL Proficiency Guidelines and World-Readiness Standards to shape curriculum, drive instructional strategies, and inform feedback and assessment have had deep resonance for many, as has her work on individualized assessment and supporting student agency in their learning. Above all, Cindy’s kindness, generosity of spirit, and friendship have touched many of us over the years, leaving a need to collectively remember Cindy’s gifts and process our loss.

ACTR and AATSEEL have jointly organized a zoom tribute event on Thursday, December 12, 7- 8 PM EST to honor Cindy’s life and legacy. We invite you to gather to share your memories of Cindy Martin. Memories may range from personal stories, moments of laughter and joy, to  statements of impact and deep learning. We hope that those who attend might feel some comfort in having a space for communal sharing. The event will not be recorded. Please follow the link here to join the event (Meeting ID: 8763343 9114, Passcode: 708238).

The University of Maryland has also organized a hybrid (zoom and in-person) memorial event to remember Cindy Martin on Thursday, December 12 at 12 - 2 pm. Information on that event is available on the UMD website In Memoriam page. We also encourage anyone who would like to share a written memory of Cindy to submit one by completing the form "Share your memories of Dr. Martin." Written testimonies will be shared on the University of Maryland In Memoriam page which will be linked to the ACTR and AATSEEL websites.


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